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H.E. Sh VP Singh Badnore, Hon’ble Governor, Punjab released a book titled ‘Psoriasis and Psoriatic arthritis’ today. The release of the book was done by the Hon’ble Governor through video conferencing in the presence of Prof Jagat Ram Director, PGIMER, Chandigarh, Sh Kumar Gaurav Dhawan, DDA PGIMER and Prof Aman Sharma. This book has been edited by Prof Aman Sharma, Department of Internal Medicine, PGIMER, Chandigarh and Prof Rohini Handa, Apollo. New Delhi.

H.E. Sh V P Singh Badnore was pleased with the layout of the book. He was of the view that considering the increasing number of patients with various types of arthritis and rheumatological diseases, and the increasing the burden of other musculoskeletal diseases PGIMER, Chandigarh should take the lead in this field.

Psoriatic arthritis is a form of arthritis associated with a skin disease called psoriasis. There are five different types of arthritis and one of those can be mutilating. The field of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis has been witnessing a fast-paced advancement in the last two decades which centers around better understanding of pathogenetic pathways, identification of simple screening tools for the detection of psoriatic arthritis in patients with psoriasis, and identification of new and effective treatment modalities. PGIMER has been at the forefront of research in psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis.

About the Book-

This is a multi-author book that covers the entire gamut of this common immunoinflammatory skin disorder which is at the crossroads of dermatology and rheumatology. While originating in the skin, this disease has a propensity to involve the joints and is associated with significant multi-morbidities and impaired quality of life. The book has 14 chapters that cover epidemiology, dermatologic and rheumatologic aspects, disease assessment, imaging essentials, and available treatment modalities. Issues like small molecules and biologicals are discussed in detail. The information provided is evidence-based and content-specific. Flow charts, algorithms, tables, graphics, and clinical photographs are used to enhance reader understanding. The book is aimed at rheumatologists, dermatologists, physicians/internists, and students.

About the Editors

Prof Aman Sharma is a member of GRAPPA (Group for research and assessment of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis), and also an international group which developed the ILAR guidelines for the management of psoriatic arthritis for resource-poor settings. He is FRCP(London), Fellow of the American College of Rheumatology (FACR), and Fellow of the Academy of medical sciences (FAMS). The Indian Rheumatology association awarded him with the DRA Young investigator award in 2007, Zydus oration (young scientist) in 2011, and the prestigious annual IRA oration in 2015. Association of Physicians of India awarded him with Shurvir trust visiting professorship in 2014, Prof Rathinavelu Subramanium endowment oration in 2016, and Rabindranath Tagore oration in 2019. He was awarded the CMC Vellore eminent mid-career scientist oration in 2018.

Prof Sharma was a member of the Annual Meeting Planning Committee of the American College of Rheumatology (2015-18). He is an executive editor of the Indian Journal of rheumatology and associate editor of the International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases. He has 355 peer-reviewed research publications and 49 Book Chapters. He has also edited the Textbook of systemic vasculitis and two monograms. He was instrumental in starting the DM Program in Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology at PGIMER, Chandigarh.

Prof Rohini Handa is a senior consultant at Apollo, Hospitals, New Delhi. He was previously a faculty at AIIMS, New Delhi. He is from FRCP(Glasgow) and FAMS. He was awarded MN Sen oration and Shakuntala Amir Chand award by ICMR. GB Jain oration and Sukumar Mukherjee lecture by IACM.Netaji Oration, JCPatel, and BC Mehta prize, Pawan Kumari Jain oration, JN Berry award, and Searl oration by API. Prof Handa was Dean of ICP, President APLAR, Chair ILAR, and President IRA. He has authored 350 papers, book chapters, review articles, and abstracts and delivered more than 500 lectures, keynotes, and orations.

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