
13-01-2025 Vol 19

PGI is First one in India to have Infection Imaging via Nuclear Medicine


Often heard of Alpha Beta Gamma!! But incase if you are not a Science Student, You may not be able to know the importance of these Radioactive decays. Do you know that in Evidence Based Medicine and in the world of Advanced precise Diagnosis these radioactive products are doing wonders. In layman language, when painful invasive procedures could not find an answer then these radioactive Helpies may find a New life for you. Even a Advanced stage crossed Cancer patient who merely could live for 5 months, could have possibility to live for another five years if got diagnosed with the Nuclear Medicine.

In this wonder world, PGIMER Chandigarh is also creating history. They have Nuclear Medicine Department which indeed silently helping its patients to conquer not only the disease but also helping them to live a comfortable life which they could have dreamt off after encountered with deadly diseases.

What is Infection Imaging

With the help of again of these Alpha Beta Gamma, an integral part of Nuclear Medicine, Dr Aneesh of this department have broken the ICE SHIELD by introducing INFECTION IMAGING by which Doctors would be able to diagnose treat the patient well in time so that crucial time could be saved. Dr Aneesh says, ” Now, as we are able to gauge blood infection also with the help of Nuclear Medicine. We extract blood (white cells) from patient then attach it with isotopes and then inject in body to find where is infection is residing. Isotopes leaves such colors while imaging that we get to know where and what kind of infection is sleeping in body hence the treating doctor gets the precise answer for treatment.

Head of Department Dr B R Mittal says that Nuclear Medicine have helped in psychiatric patients treatment too. In Parkinson Disease, these rays check the neuro transmitters abnormality well in time, hence treatment is possible well way before the crucial time.

Taruni Gandhi

Taruni Gandhi is an ace writer and journalist with over a decade experience in covering health, social issues. She can be contacted at [email protected].

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