
16-02-2025 Vol 19

PGI Doc’s Live-in a BOX tech make India a World Guru in Cardiac Medicine


PGIMER, Chandigarh while setting a Real Time Example in the field of Interventional Cardiology, Dr Rajesh Vijayvergiya, Professor and HOD of Unit II has set up mark in the World Medicine of Cardiology. Yes, PGI Doc’s Live-in a BOX tech make India a World Guru in Cardiac Medicine.

In accordance with the increasing global trend of keeping the world and the upcoming generation of cardiologist well-informed about the recent advances in interventional cardiology field, Professor Dr. Rajesh Vijayvergiya presented his surgical skills, when one of his coronary angioplasty procedure was put up for a panel discussion as a Live in-box case presentation at Asia Pacific Society of Interventional Cardiology– Asia- Paris course of Revascularization (AICT-AsiaPCR) conference held at Singapore from 4th-6th July 2019.

The conference was attended by about 1500 delegates from around the world. Live-In-A-Box or pre-recorded case presentation is the upcoming way of digital demonstration of surgical skills and technical advancement in various scientific meetings.

Dr. Vijayvergiya commented that pre-recorded live case broadcasting from a start to finish is a good teaching tool to demonstrate real-time, unexpected procedural or technical hiccups during the surgical procedure, which is great learning for the attendees in the scientific meeting.

As it is edited and short duration version of a live recording for presentation, the operator can take its own time to finish a really complex procedure completely with all the technical details recorded, without having any time constraint.

As Dr Vijayvergiya had recently broadcasted a live coronary angioplasty case to one of the meeting in US on 24th July 2019, we inquired about how the live-in-a-box case is different than the live case transmission. He explained that Live-in-a-box is a real time recorded operation, which is later edited and shorted to make it precise and appropriate for presentation during the meeting.

On the contrary, live case transmission is about transmitting a case directly to the meeting from the operation theater, He explained that live case transmission has a time constraint as the operator has to perform the operation from start to end in the scheduled live transmission time, which sometime may not be possible in a complex case.

While live-in-A-Box case does not have any time constraint for the operation, hence an operator can really perform really a too complex case and later presented it in the meeting as per the available time slot.

In an complex case of his patient, Dr. Vijayvergiya had presented an elderly lady who had blockage of all three vessels along with left main coronary artery, which was successfully opened up by putting stents across it.

He emphasized that it was a good learning and teaching case for performing left main and chronic totally occluded blockage in calcified coronaries, which were successfully opened up using intra-vascular imaging.

The eminent group of international faculty largely appreciated for demonstrating a real-time complex case with very fine technical skills, which helped in significant learning in the meeting.

They highlighted the role of intravascular imaging to achieve and ensure good short and long term results in such kind of complex procedures, which is routinely performed at PGIMER.

Dr. Vijayvergiya commented that PGIMER is one of the most prominent tertiary care institute in India, which is demonstrating the live cardiology procedures at various international scientific meetings and helping the medical community to learn the advancement in the cardiology field, worldwide.  


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