
12-02-2025 Vol 19

A cruel game of hospitals in name of diarrhea

Medicines that are known for perforating the Intestine and have been in the avoiding list of physicians for more than two decades, UP and Haryana Doctors intentionally ailing kids while prescribing this medicine.


A 9-year old girl, (Name Priya) from Panipat suffering acute diarrhea, went to a private hospital where she was given Medicine named “Loperaimide” to stop diarrhea instantly. After this medicine, she could not be able to pass urine and have motions for the next three days. Parents of this poor child went to all doctors of top hospitals, where all doctors refused to treat the child since it now has become a difficult case to handle as her intestine is now got punctured.

The doctor who prescribed this medicine to the child has been continuously asking parents to go for surgery and deposit Rs 1,70,000 for the same. Yet, the doctor is not giving any guarantee that the child would be fine after the surgery. Parents (Father name Rajesh) approached PGIMER, Chandigarh, where the real diagnosis happens and the child went through the surgery to correct the perforation. And Parents got to know that it was that medicine that caused this emergency to their child. One more case of a 7-year old girl from Saharanpur, UP had the same history where the doctor asked her parents to Deposit Rs. 12 Lakh rupees for correcting Intestine puncture that was caused by the same medicine that the doctor has prescribed to stop diarrhea.

While seeing the history the doctors at PGIMER emergency were shocked to see this medicine (Loperamide) prescription by the private doctor of Haryana. While talking to Media4pillar on this, the Senior Resident of PGIMER told that this medicine is no more in practice of physicians here in Chandigarh and Punjab yet Haryana and UP based Old school doctors are still practicing the same or maybe intentionally are doing it to mint money from poor patients.

Explaining further on this Professor Arun Bansal of Advanced Pediatric Centre, PGIMER said that this medicine is no more in our practice but yes, patients are coming here from UP and Haryana with Intestine perforation after having diarrhea and got operated for the same, he said further, this medicine and other related medicines that stop diarrhea instantly, can cause perforation in intestine and can land up child in emergency zone. We are getting many such patients every week here.

Taruni Gandhi

Taruni Gandhi is an ace writer and journalist with over a decade experience in covering health, social issues. She can be contacted at [email protected].

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