
10-02-2025 Vol 19

Drug Overdose death toll increases 23 to 86 in Punjab in just one year, isn’t it undercounted?

Punjab Government and system is weak over finding “Drugs name” that happened to be cause of death amongst Punjab Youth

As much as 42 cases, No Drug was detected in dead body yet die due to Drug Overdose.

After accepting the harsh reality of Punjab youth, Punjab Government Health and family Welfare Minister Brahm Mohindra agreed that there are deaths due to drug overdose in Punjab. Yet the toll what he mentioned is quite unbelievable or one shall say quite low than reality.

Punjab Government Health Ministry and its system is quite amazing. Amazing in such a way that they know people are dying to drug overdose but Which Drug, They do not know and could not even evaluate it in autopsy though. Is this so or Ministry do not want to mention which drug is killing the youth, or, just have presented the undercounted figure?

Well, this is what Punjab Health Minister Brahm Mohindra have spoken while giving answer to Amam Arora MLA on his question asked in Cabinet Meeting Question Answer session.

Mohindra said that in the year 2017-18, there were 23 deaths reported due to drug overdose out of which MORPHINE (AFEEM) overdose was found in 9 cases, Tramadol found in 1 case and aluminium phosphide was found in 1 case. No drug in 12 cases. In 2018-19, there have been 86 deaths due to drug overdose wherein 40 cases were of Morphine overdose, Tramadol was 1, Aluminium Phosphide was found in 14 cases. There was no drug found in rest of the 30 cases.

Now, As per Punjab Government Psychiatrist on the condition of anonymity said that Punjab Government do have plans to curb drug menace but those plans are so impractical that it cannot take out drug menace from society for the next two decades, because Government do not have basic zeal to curb it. Plans are just dancing in Papers.

Read this Goosebump Story of a drug addict

He further said that When the top official of Ministry are busy in taking bribe for even deputing a Canteen of a Patiala Government Hospital on Contract to their bribe giver; how would someone expect from such a system to work honestly for Drug victims. They are just here for minting Money.

Talking about PGIMER report, kids with the age 13 are caught in Drugs in Punjab. In an another report of PGIMER there are synthetic drugs which are killing Punjab youth more than normal drugs they usually have been taking so far.

Read this to know more about Synthetic Drugs.

Taruni Gandhi

Taruni Gandhi is an ace writer and journalist with over a decade experience in covering health, social issues. She can be contacted at [email protected].

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