PGIMER aired LIVE Rare Surgeries, Surgeons applaudedPGIMER aired LIVE Rare Surgeries, Surgeons applauded
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First time ever 4 cases beamed live from advanced cardiac centre of PGIMER


PGIMER, Chandigarh further consolidated its place as one of the most prestigious teaching institutions of India, by demonstrating various technologies and skills regarding management and treatment of peripheral vascular diseases. On 9th February, four interesting and complex cases were beamed live from cardiology department of advance cardiac centre, PGIMER to a reputed Endovascular Live conference, held at New Delhi. The conference was attended by about 200 experts from the field of intervention cardiology, vascular surgery and intervention radiology, from across the India.

Prof. Rajesh Vijayvergiya successfully performed 4 cases of peripheral intervention on Thursday which got transmitted live in the scientific meeting held at Delhi. First case of venous obstruction leading to liver disease and second case of both renal artery blockage leading to kidney failure, were extensively discussed by chairpersons and panelists of the conference during live transmission form PGIMER. Rest of the two cases each of arterial aneurysm of left arm and arterial occlusion of right lower limb artery were also well appreciated by the chairperson and panelist of the conference.  A lot of young vascular surgeons and cardiologists were benefitted by witnessing these kinds of cases being performed live during the meeting.

PGIMER aired LIVE Rare Surgeries, Surgeons applauded
PGIMER aired LIVE Rare Surgeries, Surgeons applauded

It is first time when 4 unique cases of peripheral arterial disease were transmitted live in a single day from any tertiary care centre in this region, commented Prof. Vijayvergiya. He commented that the incidence of peripheral vascular disease is rapidly increasing in India because of certain risk factors like obesity, smoking, diabetes and renal failure. He further commented that these risk factors should be appropriately managed to prevent peripheral arterial disease. The required technical skill for diagnosis and percutaneous interventional treatment without surgery is available at limited centre in India, and PGIMER is the one of the leading centre among them.


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