
10-02-2025 Vol 19

Pb Govt to chop drinking water supply

As per NGT Monitoring committee, Punjab is accessing to more water than required supply and rest has been wasted so far


Punjab Government is going to chop your drinking water supply soon. This is after the Pilot project which is going to start from Jalandhar and after the pilot project, Punjab Government would implement the same pattern in all districts of state. This is all because that Ground water is receding drastically in state. This all happen because NGT monitoring committee on river pollution has directed to impose the restrictions on the excess water.

After visiting all pollution sources entering into Kala Singhian Drain and other problems relating to excess discharge of sewage than the capacity of STP. The committee decided that the Punjab Pollution Control Board shall issue necessary directions to the department of Local Government to impose restriction on the excess use of water by the residents of Jalandhar area. The water supply given by the govt agency or through the private mechanism, must be restricted to 135 Litres per capita per day (LPCD). The department must appropriate mechanism to reduce the water consumption from present use of 250-300 lpcd to 135 lpcd.

By adopting the said mechanism the major advantages shall be as follows.

  1. The capacity of existing STPs may be sufficient to handle whole of sewage of the Jalandhar area.
  2. There shall be lot of saving in ground water abstraction.
  3. No need for installation of new STPs resulting in saving of Crores of Rupees of the State Government.
  4. Lot of saving in terms of money in operation of STPs, less sludge handling and less quantity of chemical to be used.
  5. Lot of improvement in the quality of water of River Satluj.

The committee further desired that the restricted water consumption mechanism must be adapted for other big cities like Ludhiana and Jalandhar in First Phase. Later on, it can be replicated for the other towns of the state.

Taruni Gandhi

Taruni Gandhi is an ace writer and journalist with over a decade experience in covering health, social issues. She can be contacted at [email protected].

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