
06-03-2025 Vol 19

Don’t ‘Judge’ “Chandigarh Women” up in “Boozing in Bar” says a Research Journal

Don’t Mind Spending huge money in “Bars on Boozing”

Desire to go away from “Parental Restrictions”

Watch the Graphs telling the story


Women across the world now consume nearly as much alcohol as men, according to a new research based on Chandigarh which shows that the gender gap in drinking habits is closing. Historically, men have been far more likely than women to drink alcohol, and to consume it in quantities that damage their health, with some figures suggesting up to a 12-fold difference between the sexes.

However, now evidence is beginning to emerge that suggests this gap is narrowing. In a bid to quantify this trend over time, Especially in City beautiful, Chandigarh the research published in (International Journal of Enhanced Research in Management & Computer Application) on the drinking habits of Women says an interesting facts.

In Chandigarh the research says on the drinking habits of Women out here shows that Women tend to drink the “Heaviest” in their late twenties and Early Thirties in Mean Age Group between 25-35

The Interesting Facts about “Chandigarh Women”

The High level of Alchohal use comes at an age when women are marries and go along with their friends followed by family members away from Parental Restrictions but before they take on the full responsibilities of family life. As women begin to assume more adult roles- full time employment, marriage and the Parenthood- they often reduce their alchohal consumption.

They Like to spend time In BAR


This reduction in alchohal consumption may be a result of the limitations that adult roles place on Social activities or may reflect a change in Young People’s Attitudes towards drinking. Infact they are ready to spend their income on drinking in BAR with Friends and Colleagues.

Here in the Graph we are showing the trend of Chandigarh like to BOOZE

Interesting graphs Telling Diffrernt Stories…watch out 😉


The Money Spending Powers


Other Facts


Sound Interesting Girls….



Truth says it all

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