
14-02-2025 Vol 19

Pyjamas contributed to make them a Parent, curbed infertility

M4PNews | Chandigarh

PGIMER recent study had treated more than 500 couples for infertility and The 10-year-long AIIMS study had surveyed 1,000 men from north India and found that lifestyle factors like tight clothing (Jeans), hot tub dips and long visits to the sauna, intensive gardening and farming resulting in pesticide exposure and increased obesity rates were major causes for the ever decreasing sperm count.

As per Dr Amarjeet Singh of PGIMER and his study, it said Tight or skinny jeans can cause twisted testicles, bladder weakness, urinary tract infections and even low sperm count, according to an investigation by bladder weakness and incontinence company TENA. It discovered one in ten men have experienced unpleasant side effects from skinny jeans.  Also, the contribution of Laptops is high in infertility amongst the couples. It reached internal operating temperatures of over 70 degrees Celsius. And because they are frequently positioned close to the scrotum, they required the user to sit with his thighs close together to balance the machine, trapping the scrotum between the thighs. We make our patients avoid tight jeans and asked them to wear Pyjamas or loose clothes as tight clothes are contributing factors in causing infertility.

The researchers recorded the temperature changes to the scrotum caused by laptop use among 29 healthy male volunteers aged between 21 and 35 and found that just sitting with the thighs together, caused scrotal temperatures to rise by 2.1 degrees Celsius.

Indian men are facing a queer problem of both reduced sperm count and sub-optimal sperm quality.Studies are showing that not only is infertility increasing among Indian men, their sperm count and sperm quality too is taking a beating due to “xenobiotics emanating from chemical industries”.

Doctors from the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) had earlier found that while the sperm count of a normal Indian adult male used to be 60 million per ml around three decades ago, it now stands at around 20 million per ml.

The study found that majority of men who were exposed to high temperature at their workplace — welders, dyers, blast furnace workers and those employed in cement and steel factories — were more prone to infertility. This is because the additional environmental heat increases the temperature of the scrotum, causing a negative effect on sperm production.

Over 12-18 million couples in India are diagnosed with infertility every year. AIIMS doctors say a one degree elevation in testicular temperature leads to 14% depression of spermatogenesis.

Experts say the normal temperature of the testes is three degrees lesser than the core body temperature (37 degrees Celsius or 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit).

“Not only has quantity of sperm production declined in males across the world, there has been a decrease in motility (Sperm movement) and morphology (shape and structure) of the sperms. There has been a 2% decrease in quality of male sperm annually. Also, 40% men in reproductive age group are presently recording a quantitative and qualitative decline in sperm quality. Stress also decreases the hormones that stimulate spermatogenesis,” said Dr Rima Dada from AIIMS.



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