
18-03-2025 Vol 19

PSEB Declares Dates for Class 10, 12 Practical Exams

PSEB Declares Dates for Class 10, 12 Practical Exams. Punjab School Education Board, Mohali, declared the schedule for the practical exams for vocational and National Skill Qualification Framework (NSQF) subjects for class 10 and 12 students. The practical exams will be held from January 27 to February 4, 2025, in schools across the state.

As per the board’s notice, students have to attend their respective schools based on their registration for the practical exams. The schedule of the examination is provided at the official PSEB website, pseb.ac.in. The board also made it clear that question papers of vocational and NSQF subjects would be prepared, and the examination would be carried out by the subject teachers in their respective schools.

Sector Skill Council to Supervise NSQF Exams The Sector Skill Council, under the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), will supervise the NSQF practical exams. PSEB has announced that no centralized question papers or answer sheets will be provided for these subjects.

Schools which do not have the required facilities have been advised to make the necessary arrangements to ensure that no student is denied the opportunity to appear for his practical exams.

Although PSEB has not yet issued the final date sheet for the 2025 Class 10 and 12 board exams, reports say that Class 10 theory exams are likely to take place from February 13 to March 6, and Class 12 exams from February 13 to March 31.

According to last year’s schedule, board exams in 2025 are expected to take place from the month of February to March. In 2024, the Class 10 exams took place from 13th February to 5th March and the Class 12 exams were from 13th February to 30th March.

The date sheet to be published will include all the important information, like exam timings, subjects, streams, and so on. The official date sheet will be downloadable from the PSEB website after it is published.


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