
14-01-2025 Vol 19

Pb Govt Soon to Notify New Housing policy for Tenants

No More Slipper scuffing for Rented accommodation


Since there is numerous unorganised housing accommodation for Paying Guest, working professionals, senior citizens and labour class, and number of ‘Paying Guest’ facilities and old age homes have mushroomed in a residential areas. Keeping this in mind Punjab Governement is preparing draft policy for Rented housing in State. This would be applicable in whole state.

This is pertinent to mention here that as of now there is draft policy is prepared and State Government would clear the notification after all the requisite formalities.  This policy is required in State after the government has clear norms/rules and policies for the control and development of educational, industrial, business and other buildings yet the requirement of accommodation for students or for the professionals working inincorporate offices/call centers or other public/ private establishments or the accommodation for industrial/construction labour or senior citizens has not been addressed adequately so far.

As per the Sources due to lack of clear policy on housing for students, working professionals, senior citizens and labour class a number of ‘Paying Guest’ facilities and old age homes have mushroomed in a residential areas in an unorganized manner which do not provide a comprehensive solution to the large scale demand for proper housing for students, professionals and senior citizens. Due to shortage of proper in house accommodation for migrant labour, a number of slums have come up in and around working places without basic civic infrastructure. Therefore, in order to make available proper housing accommodation to students, working professionals, senior citizens and migrant labour in the state, the Governor of Punjab is pleased to formulate a policy on rental housing as given below:-

  1. Applicability:- This policy shall be called ‘Rental Housing Accommodation Policy’ and it shall be applicable in the entire state of Punjab.
  2. Enforcement:- It shall come into force from the date of its, notification by the government.
  3. The rental housing accommodation projects shall be permissible in residential as well as in mixed land use zones of the respective master plan.
  4. Physical Norms:-

I. Minimum Site Area 800 sq.m
II. Minimum Approach Road within Master plan- 18m (60′-0″) Outside Master plan-12m (40′-0″)

III. Maximum Ground Coverage 60%
IV. Maximum Floor Area Ratio Plot area upto 1600 sq.m. 1:2.5 Plot area above 1600 sq.m. 1:3.0
V. Maximum Height of Building No Restriction subject to clearance from Airport Authority and fulfilment of norms such as setbacks around building, ground coverage, F.A.R., structural safety and fire safety norms.

VI. Setbacks around buildings

(i) If the height of the building below 15 m  Front & Rear setback 1/4th of the height of the building or 2 m
whichever is more Side setback 1/5th of the height of the building or 1.5 m whichever is more Provided that if covered area on any floor is 500 sqm or above in that case the minimum setbacks around the building shall be 6 m.

(ii) If the height of the building is 15 m or above. The minimum setback shall be 6m or 1/3rd of the height of the building whichever is more.

VII. Parking 1.5 ECS per 100 sqm of total covered area
VIII. Permissible density 500 persons per acre


a) Rental housing building shall be a detached building.

b) It shall provide common kitchen with dining hall, common room for indoor games, First Aid room, Laundry security guard room.
c) In Rental housing upto 2% of the FAR. availed may be used for canteen/coffee shop, library, ATM, Grocery shop, Pharmacy, office, Mobile shop, Fruit/Vegetable shop, Barber shop or any other similar activities for self use of the occupants.
d) Basement shall be permissible as per extant building rules.
5. Fees applicable: CLU, EDC and permission fee etc. shall levied @ 50% of as applicable in case of residential plotted development. Building Fee: @ Rs. 2.5/- Sq. ft. covered area.
6. The rental housing accommodation projects shall be exempted from the provisions of Punjab Apartment and Property Regulation Act 1995.
7. The owner /developer of the rental housing accommodation project can only rent out the accommodation and will have no right to sell the accommodation.
8. Every owner/promoter of such project shall comply with the guidelines/instructions issued by the department of police or any other department of the Govt. for rental accommodation.
9. The fire fighting arrangements shall be provided to the satisfaction of the concerned Fire Deptt.
10. The building structure shall conform to the norms stipulated in NBC- 2016 or other relevant BIS-Codes.
11. The building shall also conform to the Punjab Energy Conservation Building Code-2016.
12. The provisions for Rain Water Harvesting Installation of Solar Photovoltaic Panels, Solar Assisted Water Heating System shall be made to the satisfaction of Punjab Energy Development Agency.
13. The promoters of such buildings shall make public health arrangements in the building such as water supply, sewerage and drainage as per provisions of extent building rules.

14. The owner/developer of the project shall not rent out the accommodation or allow the accommodation to be occupied without getting the completion and occupancy certificate from the competent authority.


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