
13-03-2025 Vol 19

He clicked Mom, Sister’s nude pictures, sold and bought drugs

He clicked Mom, Sister’s nude pictures, sold and bought drugs

Just a casual walk in PGIMER, I saw a man sitting on the road, howling in pain. His sister stood nearby, completely indifferent. I couldn’t stop myself and asked him, “What happened? Can I help you?”

This 24-year-old boy from Rajpura was once a healthy youngster until he fell into the trap of drugs (Chitta) four years ago. He told me he was never like this—he used to love his family and couldn’t even imagine hurting them.

In November 2014, an SHO friend introduced him to a woman from a village who was also a drug supplier, despite being a Sarpanch. Intrigued, I asked him for their names, but he refused to reveal them. Still, he continued his story. The woman gave him the drug, telling him, “Take this, and you’ll see the world differently after this.” He tried it once—and never stopped. She would charge him anywhere between ₹3,500 and ₹7,500, sometimes even more, depending on his addiction. As his dependence grew, so did the price. Soon, he ran out of money.

Then, someone advised him to get nude pictures of his sister, which could be sold in exchange for drugs. He resisted for three weeks, but eventually, addiction overpowered his morals. First, he took pictures of his mother while she was bathing, then his sister. He continued selling these images with the help of a friend, just to sustain his addiction—until his conscience finally woke him up to the horrific crime he had committed against his own family.

Listen to this audio to hear his story and his remorse.

There is no cure for the pain he has brought upon himself. Drug abuse in Punjab is not a new story, but incidents like these might serve as a wake-up call for those considering drugs. The government will take real action only when one of their own family members falls victim to this menace. Until then, PLEASE do not ruin your life!

Taruni Gandhi

Taruni Gandhi is an ace writer and journalist with over a decade experience in covering health, social issues. She can be contacted at

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