
02-03-2025 Vol 19

Its Financial crunch leads to migraine pain

It messes the routine life as hell as possible

  • Close to one billion people suffer from migraine all across the world
  • The exact cause of the neurological disease is unknown
  • A recent study links financial stress to risk of developing migraine

Close to one billion people suffer from migraine all across the world. While the exact cause of the neurological disease is unknown to the world of science, a recent study links financial stress to risk of developing the debilitating headache. According to a team of experts from Hungary, those with a certain gene variant may end up being more susceptible to migraine. “Our results shed light on one specific mechanism that may contribute to migraine. What it does mean is that for many people, the stress caused by financial worries can physically affect you. What we need to do now is to see if other circadian gene variants in association with different stress factors cause the same effect,” noted Dr Debashish Chokraborty Scientist from the Hungary.
Although no direct correlation was found between financial stress in people and incidents of migraine, it was noted that people with gene variants who also battled financial stress were at least 20% more likely to suffer from migraine.

Beating Migraine Naturally

If you happen to suffer from the pounding, throbbing pain, a set of easy home remedies and some of the commonest ingredients may help manage migraine better. Some people are extremely sensitive to light and loud sound. Make sure that you are not starving or are not suppressing hunger; physical exertion, dehydration and excessive heat may also trigger a pain attack.

According to the American Academy of Neurology, herbs like butterbur and fever few have properties that can not only aid in treating migraine but preventing the condition as well. Caffeine is said to help in easing migraine pains in the initial stages, that’s why most painkillers prescribed for migraine contain caffeine. However, it must be kept in mind that caffeine when taken in large quantities can result in withdrawal attacks in later stages and hence must be taken in moderation – not more than 400 mg a day from various sources and not just through your regular cuppa.

“To treat migraine it is vital to first take care of pitta with a proper pitta-soothing diet. Avoid hot, spicy foods, fermented foods, and sour or citrus fruits,” notes an Ayurveda expert.


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