
06-03-2025 Vol 19

Pvt hosp Promoters create hiccups in COVID vaccine registrations in Chandigarh

Healthcare Workers Registration for COVID Vaccine started in Chandigarh


In the time of Pandemic, when the whole world is waiting for COVID Vaccine and Vaccine is too ready after completing its third and final trial. In this process, the Government of India has already made its stand clear that in the first phase Health Care Workers (Public and Private) would get the shot of vaccine. Hence, when there is hope so falls the hiccups. This time hiccup creator is neither a Government nor its employees but Private Hospital Owners or promoters of Chandigarh.

Chandigarh Health Department is asked by GOI to upload the data of HealthCare Workers for Covid vaccine registration. In this process, the department has asked the private health promoters to give their data to the department so that the registration can be uploaded. Mind it here, that taking a Vaccine is voluntary, Govt has NOT made it Mandatory yet Government needs to know the number of HCWs so that the vaccine can be sent. Here, Private Health promoters are ridiculously scared of giving exact data of their employees, fearing that the government might trap them and might play with their privacy.

12099 HCWs are yet registered in Chandigarh for COVID vaccine registration out of which 50 Government setups have 8217 HCWs. Though there are 635 Private Health establishments registered under the Clinical Establishment Act in Chandigarh, Out of which 174 Private Health setups have provided their 3849 HCWs data to the department so far. Rest Establishments are creating hiccups in registering their HCWs for Covid Vaccine registration.

Basically, Private Health Promoters have always been busy in concealing their data from the government so that maximum benefit shall always stay in their respective pockets. But, here is question of theirs’ employees life, hence Health Department is making them understand that no one going to trap them or anything, this is purely for theirs’ and theirs’ employees benefit says a senior bureaucrat of Chandigarh Administration.

Since, Health Department is facing issues in COVID vaccine registrations of HCWs from Private Health promoters, hence the department has launched a set up where Private HCWs can come forward by themselves and register themselves for COVID vaccine says DHS Dr Amandeep Kang.

Health Workers working in Pvt Health Facilities can get themselves registered for COVID Vaccine in Room No 9 or 23 , First Floor , Red Cross Canteen , GMSH 16 .
They can also contact 2752038 /2752009 for any query .
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Taruni Gandhi

Taruni Gandhi is an ace writer and journalist with over a decade experience in covering health, social issues. She can be contacted at

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